Georgia Avenue Baptist Church
Youth- Bible Study, April 12- 11 AM—12 PM, April 26, TBD
BCM/D VBS Training- April 5, 9 AM to Noon at GABC. This training is for anyone that is helping/teaching (recreation, snacks etc.) with VBS. Please sign up on the sign-up sheet by the youth room this Sunday. It is essential we get a headcount by this Sunday, as we are required to register the number with BCM/D.
Invite a friend to church during the upcoming Easter season.
April 13, 11 AM Palm Sunday, Choir Cantata
Maundy Thursday, April 17, 7PM by conference call
Good Friday Service, April 18 at GABC
No Bibles studies, April 16.
Reoccurring Announcements/Links
Please join us every Sunday at 11 AM in the church sanctuary for our worship service.
If you are unable to join us, please join us via zoom or zoom call. (Information is listed below.)
Join Us Online Live for our
11 AM Sunday Service
For our live Zoom Webinar Service
With the Zoom app downloaded on your electronic device,
click on the service link:
You can also join us via zoom call for our
Sunday 11 AM Service.
Do not call the conference call number we use for Wednesday Bible Study or Thursday Prayer Time—it will not connect you to our service.
Wednesday Bible Study 11 AM
Wednesday Bible Study 7 PM
Thursday Prayer Time 7 PM
After Sunday Service Fellowship
Please join us by our interactive conference call number.
We will meet via conference call for after worship fellowship, Bible study and prayer. The permanent numbers are 605-475-4120, 605-562-0400, 712-832-8330, additional new numbers 712-832-8330, 605-475-2875, 712-832-8599, 605-562-0168, 717-275-8940. The access code is 3821863#. Here is the schedule:
Warning—the line may be busy, please keep trying. Our guess is that sometimes the phone lines are overwhelmed with too many callers. If you cannot get through, we apologize in advance, please let the church office know.
• Bible study/prayer meeting Wednesday 11 AM and 7 PM
• Prayer time Thursday 7 PM
There is a need for Sunday School teacher. Teachers are needed from Nursery to Adult classes. If you have a desire and feel committed to teaching God's Word, please contact Patricia Wood or Angela Clark. Background checks will be required. Training will be provided for new and existing teachers at a later date.
Clothing Drive for Cameroon
Update-Clothing donations are paused at this time. Please do not donate clothing until collection is resumed.
Thanks to those that have already contributed.
Do you have any clothing or shoes that you can't wear anymore?
Maybe they are torn and you feel they are not useable?
Please bring them to Georgia Ave Baptist. A clothing drive is being sponsored by
Mrs. Beatrice Diggs for those in need in Cameroon, Africa. She will collect or pick them up at the church weekly.
Please leave them in the Nursery downstairs. Clothing for all sizes and ages accepted.
The church office hours are Monday and Friday from 9 PM to 4 PM.
In office hours are Mondays and Fridays. 9 AM to 4 PM
The church phone will be forwarded to the Office Manager's cell Tuesday through Thursday.
12525 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20906